Self-Publishing Spotlight: meet Grace Olson, author of THE YARD

Welcome to our new blog series, Self-Publishing Spotlight! We’re shining the much-deserved spotlight on some of our wonderful authors who have self-published their books. First up is Grace Olson, who published THE YARD after a Manuscript Assessment with Market editor Bethany W. Read on to find out about her publication journey, and her most valuable Cornerstones advice…

What is your story about and where did you get the inspiration to write it from?

It’s about how horses healed my post-natal depression. The inspiration came from my real life experiences.

How close was the experience of being published to what you expected? Were there any big surprises?

It was the opposite of what I expected! I was so fixated on being traditionally published because I believed self-publishing was for ‘losers’. The big surprises were all the rejections from every single agent I approached (around 20!). I had such faith in my book that I found it physically painful to be turned away so many times. 

What advice would you give other people who are thinking of self-publishing?

There are some dodgy self-publishing companies who promise a lot but don’t deliver – so do your research first! Ensure that they are clear with their pricing policy and what they will do for you. Read reviews and make sure you know exactly what you need them to do for you.

Grow your audience on social media. I personally find Twitter to be a toxic nest; Instagram is ok but not particularly effective for creating relationships with readers. Facebook has been brilliant for me.

What was the most important piece of advice you received while collaborating with Cornerstones?

Cornerstones gave me tremendous advice on many aspects of writing. The first piece of advice was to set up a Facebook page to create an audience. The second vital piece of advice was “Self publish!” 

The practical advice on my manuscript was invaluable. I was shown how important a clear narrative arc was and the importance of “show not tell”. My editor explained how to build up the excitement of incidents. She also showed me how to set up a ‘problem’ and carry it along through many chapters before ‘solving it’ which is more satisfying for readers.

What stage in your writing career are you at now? Are you working on anything new?

I am my own PR person and agent, so I’m focusing on advertising my book on Facebook, growing my following, and organising my next book signing at Allerton Park International Horse Show where I’ve been invited to be a sponsor. I also have a photographer coming out to get some decent shots of the horses and me for a few more magazine articles I will be featured in soon! 

My readers are asking for a second book, so that’s in the pipeline – well, it’s in the back of my mind somewhere. I am reading On Editing to prepare me for book 2! But I will definitely have it read through at least twice by Cornerstones first.

If you could go back and talk to yourself just before you started writing your first manuscript, what would you say to yourself? 

Don’t get depressed! Don’t doubt yourself! Don’t waste your time waiting for agents – go straight to self-publishing, because you will earn money from your writing so much quicker! And you can write your own cover blurb, choose your own book cover and write your own book description for Amazon.

THE YARD is out now! Thank you so much to Grace for being our first guest. Her editor, Bethany W, is available for mentoring and reports – do get in touch with the team for more information!


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